Product DAC Salmonella Mix Extra

Product DAC Salmonella Mix Extra

Product DAC Salmonella Mix Extra An effective drug against diseases caused by hexagons, trichomonas, salmonella (typhoid fever), echoly and general bacterial diseases. Germs cause bacterial diseases. These pathogenic bacteria release toxic metabolic products (toxins). These toxins cause symptoms of the disease. It is often not immediately clear which type of bacteria caused the disease, while immediate treatment should be initiated. In this case Salmonella Mix Extra is the responsible option. The three active ingredients in this mixture work extensively and have a very significant effect against the numerous pathogens of such pathogens, such as salmonella, ecoli and other parasitic diseases such as trichomonas and hexagons (laryngeal and intestinal yellowing). Dosage: 5 g per liter of drinking water for 5 to 7 consecutive days

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