Colds In Birds

Colds In Birds

Due to the changing weather this month, and the approach of winter, our birds suffer from climatic fluctuations that can lead to fatal colds if the breeder does not deal with the situation carefully and take into account the principle of prevention before thinking about how to treat
In the case of birds infected with colds, and be manifested in the bird where you notice that he sneezes or there is a runny in the exits of the nose, and often accompanied by symptoms such as swelling in the body and clear plumage of feathers and be indications that the bird has a cold or so-called cold
Before we begin any treatment, the infected bird must be heated and not left exposed to direct currents
For heating use a very small cage after wrapped in a plastic bag from all sides except the facade and place a small lamp 20 watts above the cage to ensure the best heating possible .

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