Pigeon racing

Pigeon racing

A sports game that tests the speed of a pigeon arriving at home
when it is launched at a certain distance. Homers are specially
trained birds to return to the roosts of their owners, called
towers, dens or structures.
The pigeonstake part in races over 100 to 1,600 km.
Pigeon racing is a popular sport in Britain, where the race
lasts from late April to late September, local clubs organize
races, and the multiple pigeon racing federations create
responsible staff. These officials supervise the facts and
keep records of the race.
Each amateur pigeon - the person who keeps and pigeons racing -
has a special watch. An official from thefederation arranges
these hours before the race one night. And puts
Another sign of every pigeon in the race was to tie a rubber ring
to her leg, and then the amateurs would take their bath in baskets
to a point where they had already been prepared. The race begins
with the release of doves from their baskets, the birds fly back
to their dens, and when a pigeon returns, the owner takes off her
ring. Then the abyss or hobbyist beats his clock, recording the
time when the bird returned, and the winner is the bird returning
at the highest speed.
More than 100,000 pigeon enthusiasts share national or local
events in Britain, sometimes at major prizes.

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